Boarding at Walhampton is a popular, fun and enriching experience. Our caring environment and ‘home from home’ boarding house ensures that the children feel happy and settled whether they are full time boarders or just staying one night.
Every child has different needs, so ours is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We nurture pupils to give them the inner confidence and level-headed resilience they need to succeed in the next stage of their life.
At Walhampton, we offer maximum boarding flexibility for our families. Children can board for anything from one night a week, up to seven, while any day pupil is welcome to board for any period of time if space permits. Whatever arrangement works best for your family, the children will thrive, feel loved and be well looked after by our houseparents and other staff who live within the school premises.
Our boarding house, Bradfield House, is located in the heart of the School. It is an impressive building with spectacular views across the school's horse paddocks, gardens, playing fields and on to the Solent and Isle of Wight. The amazing grounds become the boarders' back garden at the weekend and in the evenings as they spill outside to play tennis, cricket, football, golf or swim in the outdoor pool. The Boarders' Common rooms are central to the house and are used for games, crafts, movie nights and even stargazing with our own telescope! The boys dormitories are found on the top floor and the girls' dormitories are found on the first floor, each sleeping from 3-7 pupils.
The boarding team are always on hand to help the boarders settle into life at Walhampton. Anything from showing them around, helping them with prep or project work to listening to any worries or concerns over a cup of hot chocolate at the end of a busy day!
When parents tour our boarding facilities, they not only comment on the spacious shared bedrooms or comfortable common rooms, but also on the caring family atmosphere. This means that, like siblings, our children care for one another, with older ones helping younger ones, and the younger ones looking up to them in return. This camaraderie is also visible at those exciting times, when a new boarder comes to stay. Support is offered, friendships are forged, and new routines are learned. Those first crucial days and weeks become so much easier for children to navigate with friends at their side.
Find out more by enquiring here or by coming to Hampshire for one of our Open Mornings or watching our Virtual Tour.