Our ‘SPARK’ enrichment curriculum stands for Society & Service; Play & Train; Adventure & Exploration; Radical Enrichment; Kindle & Create. SPARK is an exciting initiative; it is about imagination, discovery and challenge, wonder and awe, an opportunity to extend the creative learning that goes on throughout Walhampton.
Enrichment curriculum sessions are varied and can include such opportunities as: debating, poetry recital, drama, kayaking, philosophy, canoe sailing, visits to support local schools or old people’s homes, first aid, water polo, cookery, croquet, pottery, calligraphy, horse management, litter picking, conservation tasks, tree planting, fitness, meditation, learning another language and bushcraft.

Enrichment sessions take place at 1615 for 45 minutes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (or Mondays and Thursdays for Years 3 and 4).
Further activities organised by external providers e.g. beekeeping, running club, karate, golf and tennis, run from 1700-1745, or pupils may attend a supervised prep session during this time.
The enrichment curriculum is very much a part of the school day, although pupils in Year 3 may go home before the sessions (at 1600) should they wish.
All sessions are included within the school fees except where expertise is brought in from outside such as with tennis and golf.
Saturday activities
Whilst we don't have Saturday school, there are optional activities held for Prep School children on a few Saturday mornings throughout each term. These may include art workshops or sports academy practices. There are also opportunities to flexi-board over the weekend, joining our boarders in their weekend activities.