Our Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception classes provide an inspirational setting for children to start their academic journey from two to five years old. This was reflected in our "outstanding" report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate.

From two years of age, children are welcomed into our Nursery, a warm, happy and nurturing environment. Our door is always open so parents can share ideas, ask questions and help ensure their children feel safe and happy. Our Nursery approach covers all areas of child development.... social, creative and physical. These areas are developed through purposeful play, both inside and out, as the children embark upon the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.
With small numbers of children aged three to four years old and dedicated staff, Walhampton’s Kindergarten focuses on providing a ‘learning through play’ environment to continue developing each child’s individual interests and abilities. A wealth of opportunities and experiences, in the classroom and outdoors, allow the children to flourish. We make regular visits to Walhampton’s Forest School, the sports hall, cookery kitchen, music rooms and library.

Reception continues to build on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, extending skills, knowledge and understanding. Children continue to explore the world while learning through play, in the small class sizes you’d expect in a private school, teachers balance constant encouragement with higher expectations of a child’s application and achievement. Children work towards and beyond the Early Learning Goals, exploring mathematics, reading, writing and other areas of the curriculum.
Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no-one alive who is Youer than You.
— Dr Seuss